Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Vote

Here is your first opportunity to vote. We have tallied up the responses from the survey, blog responses and emails to give us the 3 most requested months for the reunion. Each family unit counts as one vote. You can vote for all 3 months if they all work for your family or just 1 or 2. BUT your family unit will only count as 1 vote whether there is just one of you or 7. We felt this was most fair. Please respond by Sept. 15th. After voting has been tallied, we will announce the month. Thank you for your participation!



Julia Mangan said...
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Adam said...
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Adam said...
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MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

The W-H's vote for June. Nate will be in college and I think November could be difficult. July gets busy. June would be the best for us by far. Thanks for doing this, I know these things are stressful.

Love to Pedal said...

Jeff said june is out so I will see if he can make July and then I will vote also do you mean one vote for each of the seven of us siblings?

Nancy said...

Each family unit gets one vote. There are 21 units. Bud & I are one unit. You, Bernie, Hannah & Sarah are one unit.

Nancy said...
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Uncle Jeff said...


Lori said...

June or July for us- just a lot easier time because kids are out of school- thanks!

Denise said...

All 3 months work for us.

Nancy said...

November is not a great month for me. The church is pretty much in full throttle mode with the advent season around the corner. Plus we tend to have a higher mortality rate Nov, Dec & January (sorry) and the funerals/memorials are part of my job. I also don't see my mother going to Illinois in November but maybe I'm wrong. So my final answer is June would be great.

Lorri (who's name shows up as Nancy)

Love to Pedal said...

I will marry off my two girls and get two more votes

Love to Pedal said...

Jeff we gotta have you there

Nancy said...

I don't think I made this clear so just to clarify.For November it would be Thanksgiving.

Nancy said...

Also, if this helps anyone. The reunion would probably not be more than 4 days and 2 of those days could be Sat and Sun. Just an FYI.

Adam said...

I have to change my vote to June or July. November-Thanksgiving will not work for us.

Adam said...

Kraft foods does not allow any vacations/time off in november or december.

Nancy said...

At this time due to circumstances I change my vote to July. Adam can't go in Nov. and Jeff can't go in June. I wish we could all go in Oct.

Julia Mangan said...

I also change my vote to only July... Uncle Jeff and fam can't go in June and Adam and fam can't go in November

Love to Pedal said...

Yes Julia sounds right. July

Kristie said...

Ben and I and Jeff and Kelly vote for November because we are also going to Illinois in June. So that's 2 votes for Nov.

Love to Pedal said...

How about july not june for you other Muths?

Nancy said...

From Pam

I'm not voting just yet because I don't know how to vote. No matter what month it seems whole families are left out of the picture. At this rate, each sibling and our individual families will be having their own private reunions! Not the point. I am wondering if a completely different month would work--not that I want to throw a wrench in the works. August is a very hot month and one of my least favorite of the year but how is that for everyone? With a family our size (and Praise the Lord for it!) it's inevitable that scheduling will be difficult. Compromise over preference at this stage. Pam

Nancy said...

From Stephanie

november (1st pick)

Uncle Jeff said...

You better vote before the cut-off date or your vote won't count.

Love to Pedal said...

Look eccept for death in the family with a years notice everyone should be able to work it out whats more important to you? I love you all would hate to not see all there (even you non BEARS fans)

Adam said...

I am flexible with my schedule except for Thanksgving or Christmas

Nancy said...

When you work in retail it is pretty much a given you get no time off during Nov and Dec. So besides death and employment I am flexible. I "might" be able to swing Thanksgiving since I have seniority BUT it would not be a good situation.

Nancy said...

From Pam

I realize I have only a few days left to vote. What are everyone's thoughts on August? Good for school, retail workers, Jeff's vacation. Pam

Love to Pedal said...

I could do that too

Nancy said...

August works for me. I know some schools start back to school in August so we would need to work around that. As you said Pam not my favorite month but if we can't get a consensus on this then we may have to postpone the reunion till 2009. Not really what I want to do.

Uncle Jeff said...

Why are you saying good for Jeff's vacation? 2009 would be 10 year anniversery since 1st reunion.

Adam said...

August will work

Love to Pedal said...

Jeff what are you saying then wait till 09? Some of us are geting up there like 60 yikes. There is always going to be something to work out for some we could wait till one of my girls get married but oh no if its up here most wont come.

Love to Pedal said...

I just noticed back at other post I spelled except wrong please forgive me "I am horrified"

Lori said...

August is fine with us too- school starts usually mid to end of that month, but anytime around that is great!

Love to Pedal said...

I might have to do Fantasy Football drafts in Aug.

Nancy said...

From Pam

Good for Jeff's vacation meant that it wasn't June so you wouldn't be on vacation in Illinois and it might work for you. Duh. Okay, I am voting for August 2008, can I do that, Nan, since it isn't a "preferred" month?
HAPPPY BIRTHDAY, JEFF, IN TWO DAYS!!!! (in case I forget :) Pam

Nancy said...

Well, I chose June, July and November since that was what everyone indicated would be the best months for them. I know it seems like Nov and June will not work now but what happened to July? I can do August but did not know if July could still possibly work? Tomorrow is the last day for voting and there are still many that have not voted.

Love to Pedal said...

Jeff is July or Aug ok?

Nancy said...

Well, it looks like there are not going to be anymore votes on here. I am completely stumped on how to proceed. It does not seem like we can reach an agreement here on when to go. If anyone has any suggestions......?

Love to Pedal said...

Just post the results here how many for each month

Nancy said...

July wins.

Love to Pedal said...

Allright I need to know how many rooms ,and number of adults ,and over 5 kids. so I can get some estaments on cost.

Love to Pedal said...

If you don't want to share your room better speak up (you got five min.) LoL

Love to Pedal said...


Love to Pedal said...

ESTIMATES spelled wrong above just saw sorry

Julia Mangan said...

We don't want to share with anyone with kids...no offense to anyone. :)

lori smith said...

So your're saying that you don't want Austin, Maddy, Jason and Lauryn being the first people you see (and hear) in the morning on your vacation?? Matt and I are also requesting that we do not share a room with children either : )

Love to Pedal said...

We can leave Hannah and Sarah in Greenville to baby sit all

Adam said...

We say delay the 2008 Reunion.

Adam said...

The lack of communication and ability to change vacation and work obligations got in the way. I say Oct 09 at a lakehouse up north. Those with kids in school remember there is always a fall break for 2-3 days. We all need to be flexible where we can be next time around.