Monday, November 5, 2007

Great News!

They called today and said they would refund our deposit. I will post the new cabins on facebook if anyone wants to look at them. More info to follow.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Scouting Trip # 2

Checked out 2 more sets of cabins on Monday. These were much more of what I expected. The second set seems to be the better of the two and we have them on temporary hold. We have been trying to get the money back from our deposit from the first place but to no avail. They won't budge. At this point I have disputed it with my credit card company as it being a misrepresentation since they told us the cabins were new and they are definitely not. Also, we never signed a contract. But they are holding us to it. So now we wait to see what the credit card company decides. If they don't decide in our favor then I guess we just stay with those cabins unless anyone has any other suggestions.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Scouting Trip

So, I went to check out the cabins. I was a little dissapointed in them. Long story short we are looking at some different rentals. We are trying to get our deposit back and if that does not happen we will keep what we have and be fine. If we change we would be keeping the same dates so that should not affect the plans of anyone. We will keep the deposit the same but you just may have to pay a little more on the balance at the end. It would not be a whole lot more and the arrangements would be worth it. We are going to check out the new cabins we are considering on Monday. Pray that we can get our deposit back and these new cabins check out. I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

We are Booked!!

Here is the pertinent info. We will be in Pigeon Forge, TN. We will arrive on Friday, July 25 and depart on Tuesday July 29 for a total of 4 nights. We will have 3 cabins in the Black Bear Ridge Resort. The finance committee will contact you regarding pricing and payment but we all felt this was really reasonable. Here are the links to the cabins so you can check them out yourselves. Room assignments will be decided at a later time and no bribing allowed.

Big Timber

over the top

Hiltop haven


Sleepless nights: 5

Trying to make it all work out: 10 more gray hairs

Knowing how happy Ma would be: Priceless

Friday, September 21, 2007

Rooms to Go

The location committee is working on finding just the right spot for us but they need some further info. We need to know how many rooms each family needs and also would you rather have a 3 night or 4 night reunion? Keep in mind when choosing your rooms that cost will be based per room. Some rooms may only have one bed so you may have to be creative ( sleeping bags, air mattresses, etc.) in your sleeping arrangements. I am sure we will do our best to accomodate everyone.

1. Rooms?
2. How many nights?

Please answer as soon as possible since the committee really needs this info.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Vote

Here is your first opportunity to vote. We have tallied up the responses from the survey, blog responses and emails to give us the 3 most requested months for the reunion. Each family unit counts as one vote. You can vote for all 3 months if they all work for your family or just 1 or 2. BUT your family unit will only count as 1 vote whether there is just one of you or 7. We felt this was most fair. Please respond by Sept. 15th. After voting has been tallied, we will announce the month. Thank you for your participation!
