Monday, November 5, 2007

Great News!

They called today and said they would refund our deposit. I will post the new cabins on facebook if anyone wants to look at them. More info to follow.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Scouting Trip # 2

Checked out 2 more sets of cabins on Monday. These were much more of what I expected. The second set seems to be the better of the two and we have them on temporary hold. We have been trying to get the money back from our deposit from the first place but to no avail. They won't budge. At this point I have disputed it with my credit card company as it being a misrepresentation since they told us the cabins were new and they are definitely not. Also, we never signed a contract. But they are holding us to it. So now we wait to see what the credit card company decides. If they don't decide in our favor then I guess we just stay with those cabins unless anyone has any other suggestions.